New legislative gifts law makes only minor restrictions

April 13, 2012

State lawmakers are apparently not ready yet to give up freebies.

DENNIS LAMBERT: They've approved a new gifts law that puts only minor restrictions on the kind and size of gifts they can get from lobbyists. Phoenix Democratic Senator Steve Gallardo points out some major exceptions. One permits lawmakers to be wined and dined both individually or in groups. Another says lawmakers can still get free tickets to events like the Fiesta Bowl and Diamondbacks games if everyone is invited.

STEVE GALLARDO: There's no need for us to get these tickets. Folks, if we want to go to these events, let's just go out and purchase these tickets.

DENNIS LAMBERT: Snowflake Republican Sylvia Allen, meantime, says the restrictions should be unnecessary. She says it all goes back to the moral integrity of the individual.