BLM Says It's Ready For Fire Season

Published: Monday, May 5, 2014 - 1:45pm

The Bureau of Land Management says it is well equipped to handle the fire season this year. 

Fire Management Officer Kelly Castillo says in addition to a variety of fire engines in each district, they have two helicopters to battle wildfires. 

The newest chopper, commissioned last Thursday, is being deployed in the Wickenburg area, while a second helicopter is based in St. George, Utah.

“It covers our Arizona strip country. Arizona strip of course is the country that you see north of the Grand Canyon there. That helicopter will come on in June, the first part of June," Castillo said.

Castillo said the state can apply for National Fire Severity funding to help fund firefighting efforts. That allows fire managers to bring in resources from some of the northern states, where fire usually becomes a problem later in the summer.