Do Summer Travelers Prefer Traditional Over Sharing Services?

Published: Sunday, July 8, 2018 - 5:05am

Despite people being more familiar with sharing economy services, a new survey finds some summer travelers prefer traditional services.

For four years, the Allianz Travel Insurance Sharing Economy Index has been measuring vacation sentiment. This marks the first time it’s reported a decline in Americans who intend to use things like ride and room sharing services.

It found 19 percent of those surveyed were ‘very likely’ to use sharing economy services, down 7 percentage points from last year. Levels of trust in shared services fell 3 percentage points. Still, when it came to best overall experience, 34 percent of respondents reported traditional and sharing services were the same.

Other findings of the survey:

  • 33 percent report traditional services offer a better quality product compared to 12 percent for sharing economy services.
  • 27 percent report sharing economy services provide a more authentic local experience compared to 22 percent for traditional services.
  • More respondents report better booking experiences and customer support with traditional services and a better value for money with sharing economy services.
  • 83 percent report familiarity with sharing economy services compared to 47 percent in 2015.
  • 47 percent report being likely to use sharing economy services compared to 17 percent in 2015.