'Concerts In Your Car' Coming To Arizona State Fairgrounds In October

Published: Wednesday, September 30, 2020 - 9:40am

Thousands of concerts have been cancelled or indefinitely postponed due to COVID. This has devastated the industry, including one concert promoter from California. But a few months ago, he and his wife got an idea.

Taking a page from drive-in movies, Vincenzo Giammanco unveiled "Concerts In Your Car," and now, he’s bringing it to Arizona. 

“It feels like you’re in a backyard barbeque with a massive stage and a full concert there. It’s a completely new experience and different and we’re excited to bring it to Arizona and show everybody what we’ve got,” Giammanco said.

Cars will be parked 360 degrees around the stage, and through their windshields, Arizonans will be able to watch bands like the Beach Boys and Tower of Power. Those bands and others will be playing in mid to late October at the state fairgrounds.

More information can be found here

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