New planet discovered by James Webb Space Telescope team

By Greg Hahne
Published: Friday, January 20, 2023 - 3:30pm

ILLUSTRATION: NASA, ESA, CSA, Leah Hustak (STScI) SCIENCE: Kevin B. Stevenson (APL), Jacob A. Lustig-Yaeger (APL), Erin M. May (APL), Guangwei Fu (JHU), Sarah E. Moran (University of Arizona)
Flatline Transmission Spectrum detecting the planet.

The James Webb Space Telescope has uncovered a new world outside our solar system.

The exoplanet LHS 475 is 41-light years away and has almost exactly the same diameter as Earth.

Except that planet is much hotter than Earth and orbits its star every two days.

The telescope was able to observe the planet as it passed in front of its star, where it blocked a tenth of a percent of the light the star emitted.

Sarah Moran with the University of Arizona is on the team researching the finding.

"One of the things that we are always pushing for on exoplanets is finding planets that might look like Earth, that might be habitable, that might support alien life as we know it or as we don’t know it," Moran said. 

How close the planet is to its star, size and whether it has an atmosphere all factor into the possibility of it having life. 

ILLUSTRATION: NASA, ESA, CSA, Leah Hustak (STScI) SCIENCE: Kevin B. Stevenson (APL), Jacob A. Lustig-Yaeger (APL), Erin M. May (APL), Guangwei Fu (JHU), Sarah E. Moran (University of Arizona)
Transit curve detecting the planet as it passed in front of its star. It blocked about 1/10 of a percent of the light emitted by its star.
