Salvadoran Politicians Acknowledge Migration Reasons, But Want US Policy Change

By Kate Sheehy
August 22, 2014
Kate Sheehy
Families and media wait at the airport near San Salvador for the arrival of deported migrants from the U.S.

El Salvador is one of the handful of countries at the center of the child migration crisis.

This week, Fronteras Desk Senior Field Correspondents Jude Joffe-Block and Kate Sheehy have been in the country getting a sense of what is happening on the ground as migrants are being returned to country from the United States border region.

On Thursday, Sheehy visited the Salvadoran congress and spoke to politicians.

Members of different political parties there said El Salvador needs to take responsibility for the migration and insecurity of its people and not look to the U.S. for all the answers.

However, there's a sentiment that a change to U.S. immigration law would help reduce the dangers people face in the journey and even after they arrive in the U.S.