Arizona Firefighters To Help Battle Australian Bushfires

By Harry Croton
Published: Thursday, January 23, 2020 - 7:25pm
Updated: Thursday, January 23, 2020 - 7:26pm
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At least 10 Arizona firefighters traveled to Australia this week to help battle devastating bushfires that have burned millions of acres.

The United States hasn’t sent firefighters to Australia since 2010, but recent devastation amid record-breaking heat has prompted Arizona and other states to assist in the relief effort.

Arizona has experienced its own rough history of blazes across forests, riverbeds and mountain ranges, but the task that awaits in the Southern Hemisphere could pose new and unfamiliar hazards.

“Some of the fuel types can be a little bit different, eucalyptus trees can be very volatile, but it is also very similar to some of the volatility we see along the Colorado River —- those types of very volatile brush-type fuels," said Dolores Garcia of the Arizona Bureau of Land Management.

The effort is part of an arrangement between the United States, Australia and New Zealand to provide mutual fire support in times of national emergency.