ADOT Introduces New Website Feature To Help Truckers Get Rest

By Harry Croton
Published: Monday, June 1, 2020 - 3:21pm
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Starting this week, truckers on lengthy trips will have an easier time picking a place to rest with a new website feature from the Arizona Department of Transportation.

ADOT’s traveler information site,, now allows truckers to find out how many total spaces are available in rest stops along their route.

While the service doesn’t determine how many of those spots are open, the department is using federal grant money to develop software that eventually will do so with rest stops along the I-10.

Ryan Harding is with ADOT. He says the service will help truckers as they are needed now more than ever.

“They've been key in helping cheap grocery stores stocked, medical facilities supplied," Harding said. "Facilitating these locations for truckers to rest and get the rest they need is key to our mission.”

ADOT says there are currently 430 total truck parking spaces at the state’s 27 rest area facilities.