Survey: 60% Of Arizona Voters In Favor Of Increasing School Funding

By Harry Croton
Published: Wednesday, June 3, 2020 - 3:14pm
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A survey has revealed that 60% of Arizona voters are in favor of increasing funding to public schools and addressing the teacher shortage.

A proposition on the upcoming ballot aims to increase income taxes 3.5% on individuals making more than $250,000 a year, or combined household incomes of more than half a million.

The money would provide additional revenue for teacher and staff salaries.

The survey was conducted by Lake Research Partners and found that If the election were held today, six in 10 voters would vote yes on the proposition to increase funding.

More than half said they would vote “strongly yes” and only 6% of those surveyed were undecided.

Rebecca Gau is with the education advocacy group Stand for Children.

“When you have 51% of voters who feel strongly about this, it is cutting across all sorts of demographics," Gau said.

The measure is similar to one that the Arizona Supreme Court removed from the ballot in 2018, but Gau says this version has some differences.

“The funding mechanism is slightly different, and where the money goes to is more defined in this version," Gau said.

If the proposition is approved, only the income above that $250,000 threshold would incur the higher tax rate.
