U.S. attorney for Arizona names point person to handle complaints on primary election

Published: Wednesday, July 27, 2022 - 4:17pm
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Arizona’s primary election is less than a week away, and the top federal prosecutor here has chosen a point person to handle complaints of possible voter discrimination, intimidation and fraud.

The U.S. attorney for Arizona has tapped assistant Sean Lokey to serve as election officer for the Aug. 2 primary.

Lokey had the same job in the 2020 general election.

A hotline has been set up for reporting allegations of voting rights violations or fraud directly to Lokey.

Federal prosecutors warn those trying to uncover illegal voting, questioning or recording video of people at the polls may break the law. They also say voters are allowed to pick someone to help them mark their ballot.

The Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office has said security will be more robust at polling places this year.  

Politics Elections