Arizona Department of Education takes over program to help underperforming schools

By Bridget Dowd
Published: Tuesday, April 4, 2023 - 10:41pm
Updated: Wednesday, April 5, 2023 - 7:22am

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Arizona Department of Education building
Mariana Dale/KJZZ
Arizona Department of Education building in downtown Phoenix.

Since 2015, a state-funded pilot program has helped several Arizona school districts improve their performance. Now, it's expanding to more schools.

Superintendent of Public Instruction Tom Horne has announced Project Momentum will now be provided by the Arizona Department of Education. It was previously funded by grants from the governor’s office. The department has signed a $10 million contract to widen the program's reach.

Avondale Elementary School District Superintendent Betsy Hargrove said when her district started the project, her schools had ratings ranging from B to F and all have seen improvement.

“We’re not talking about Ds and Fs anymore, we’re not talking about Cs anymore," she said. "We’re talking about schools that are As and Bs, above average, across our system. That being said, this model can be replicated across the state, and I believe that every one of our children deserve that.”

Hargrove is one of several educators who went to the Capitol last month to advocate for the program.

“I’ve seen improvement efforts, I’ve lived improvement efforts. I’ve seen grade levels do exemplary things that should be highlighted and celebrated," she said. "I have yet to see an improvement effort that has impacted an entire system.”
