Peoria school board member is resigning

Published: Tuesday, August 15, 2023 - 2:39pm
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A member of the Peoria school board who’s one-half of its culture-warrior-voting bloc is resigning after next week’s meeting.

District officials say Rebecca Hill told county education officials that she is leaving Arizona to be closer to family.

Hill began mocking Peoria’s slogan after the board voted down a transgender bathroom policy that she favors.

Hill is named in a notice of claim filed by a transgender teacher who Hill tried to get voted off of a rehire list.

And Bible verses quoted by Hill during public meetings drew a threat of lawsuit.

Peoria school board president David Sandoval said all opinions are welcome.

“We’ve had many board meetings that there has been a lot of emotions that continue to be very real,” said Sandoval.

A district spokesperson said Peoria schools are grateful to Hill for serving, and they look forward to working with the Maricopa County school superintendent to appoint someone to finish Hill’s term.

Hill did not immediately respond to a voicemail left at a phone number provided by Peoria schools.
