Hamadeh makes 4th attempt to overturn 2022 Arizona attorney general race results

By Greg Hahne
Bob Christie/Capitol Media Services
Published: Thursday, May 2, 2024 - 2:43pm

Abe Hamadeh
Gage Skidmore/CC BY 2.0
Abe Hamadeh

Losing 2022 Attorney General Candidate Abe Hamadeh has filed another lawsuit trying to overturn the results of his race.

This makes it his fourth attempt.

Hamadeh’s filing contends Maricopa County failed to test its ballot printers, leading to thousands of people not able to vote. He lost by 280 votes.

Hamadeh’s lawyer contends a law limiting challenges to just five days within an election’s certification is unconstitutional. 

Attorneys for Secretary of State Adrian Fontes and Maricopa County say Fontes has no authority to bring a new election. They added voters who cast ballots in the 2022 general election would be disenfranchised.

Hamadeh is running for Congress in Arizona's District 8. The races also includes losing Senate candidate Blake Masters and state Speaker of the House Ben Toma.

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