Powerball Players Checking Winning Numbers Crash Arizona Lottery Website

By Al Macias
Published: Thursday, January 7, 2016 - 2:54pm
Updated: Thursday, January 7, 2016 - 3:11pm
(Photo by Casey Kuhn - KJZZ)
Powerball tickets.

The Powerball jackpot is now the biggest in U.S. history. No one had the right numbers for the jackpot last night, meaning Saturday’s lottery drawing is expected to be worth $700 million.

Tony Bouie with the Arizona Lottery said the website was overwhelmed with people trying to get information about the winning numbers.

"The amount of traffic crashed our website, so we're actually in the process to increase capacity to handle the traffic," said Bouie.

Bouie said if there is not a winner Saturday, jackpot for the multistate lottery could climb past $1 billion — that’s billion with a “B.”