Still Have An Early Ballot? How To Make Sure Your Vote Counts

By Jude Joffe-Block
Published: Tuesday, November 8, 2016 - 5:05am
Updated: Tuesday, November 8, 2016 - 8:20am
Sky Schaudt/KJZZ
An early ballot for Maricopa County.

Early ballots have to be received by election officials by the time polls close at 7 p.m. today — a postmark doesn’t count, so it is too late to put these ballots in the mail. Election officials recommended these ballots be mailed by Nov. 1.

Voters who still have early ballots at home can drop them off at any polling place on Election Day. There is no need to wait in line to drop off an early ballot. There is a designated bin for these ballots at each polling place. Voters should be sure to sign the envelope before dropping off the ballot.

The Maricopa County Recorder's Office website and the Arizona Secretary of State's Office website allow voters to check if their ballots have been receieved and counted.

Voters who put their early ballot in the mail too late for it to be delivered in time, or lost their ballot, can still go to their designated polling place and vote in person. That option remains available as long as the voter's early ballot has not been received by county election officials.

Courts have gone back and forth recently over Arizona's law banning ballot harvesting, but since Saturday, the ban has been back in effect.

At this point, only a caregiver, roommate or family member can legally collect and drop off someone else's early ballot. Groups that collected ballots in the brief window it was legal on Friday and early Saturday should turn those ballots in.
