Doctors, Nurses Urge Arizona Senators Against ACA Repeal

By Will Stone
Published: Monday, February 27, 2017 - 7:22am
Will Stone - KJZZ News
About 150 health care professionals rallied outside Senator John McCain and Jeff Flake's office on Saturday to voice their support for the Affordable Care Act.

More than a hundred people who work in health care were protesting Republican plans to repeal the Affordable Care Act on Saturday in Phoenix.

Doctors and nurses, many of them clad in scrubs and holding signs saying “Save the ACA,” lined the road outside the offices of Arizona Senators John McCain and Jeff Flake. More than a dozen similar rallies were planned in cities across the country to pressure Republicans not to repeal the health care law.

About 600,000 people in Arizona now have insurance through the marketplace and Medicaid expansion.

Rally organizer Quinn Snyder, who is an emergency room doctor in the East Valley, said losing coverage would be devastating for those people.

“It would revert us back to a point where our ERs would be flooded. This isn’t safe for these patients. They need greater access to care. They have worse outcomes categorically if they don’t have insurance,” Snyder said.

Republican leaders in Congress have not yet settled on one plan to replace the ACA. Gov. Doug Ducey has said he supports a repeal of the law, but that he doesn’t want all the newly insured people to “have the rug pulled out from under them."