'Fun Home,' A Memoir By Alison Bechdel, Now Playing At Gammage

By Steve Goldstein
Published: Thursday, September 7, 2017 - 5:30pm
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(Photo courtesy of Fun Home)
Kate Shindle plays Alison Bechdel in Bechdel's memoir "Fun Home."
(Photo courtesy of Fun Home)
"Fun Home," which is about Alison Bechdel's childhood, has been turned into a musical.

Author and generally creative person Alison Bechdel is known for impacting culture in deep ways. One is through the so-called Bechdel Test. At its core, the test measures whether — in a work of fiction — two female characters talk to each other about something other than a man.

She also wrote a critically-acclaimed graphic memoir called "Fun Home."

It focused on Bechdel’s childhood, including living with a gay father who the family believes committed suicide, and her coming-out experience.

"Fun Home" has been turned into a musical, and it’s being performed through this weekend at Gammage in Tempe. Its star is former Miss America Kate Shindle, who’s with me.

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