Prison official found murdered in Guaymas, Sonora

By Kendal Blust
Published: Thursday, November 3, 2022 - 3:22pm
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Officials in neighboring Sonora say they have recovered the body of a prison employee who was kidnapped earlier this week.

A long-time employee of a prison in Guaymas, Sonora, was found dead Wednesday, just a day after being kidnapped by armed men on his way to work.

That’s according to Sonora’s Attorney General’s Office, which has said it is investigating the murder of Sergio German, who worked as an assistant in the legal area of the prison.

His murder comes amid recent outbreaks of violence in and around the Guaymas prison, provoking increased police presence in the area.

Last month, Gov. Alfonso Durazo said in a press conference that intense shootouts in neighborhoods around the prison were part of an attempt to free someone inside. He said those efforts were unsuccessful.

Fronteras Sonora Law Enforcement