U.S. Anti-Lockdown Activist Causes A Stir In Mexico

By Rodrigo Cervantes
Published: Friday, April 24, 2020 - 5:39pm
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Gavin Seim identifies himself as an American activist and refugee in Mexico.

MEXICO CITY — Many U.S. cities have recently witnessed coronavirus lockdown protests. And in Mexico, one American citizen decided to protest in his own way, sparking controversy in the country — while infuriating the U.S ambassador. 

Gavin Seim identifies himself as an American activist and refugee in Mexico. He posted a video online confronting police in the city of Querétaro.

In the video, Seim walks through a public square closed as a pandemic protection measure. The officers ask him to leave, but Siem says he has a constitutional right to cross any public space.

Seim wasn’t arrested and doesn’t face any charges.

The video went viral and caught the eye of U.S. ambassador Christopher Landau, who called Seim on Twitter: "a spoiled brat," an "embarrassment" and "the perfect example of the Ugly American."

Seim replied that he just wants the law to be respected. 

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