Extra Precautions Taken In Preparation For In-Person Voters

By Hunter Brownstein
Published: Monday, November 2, 2020 - 5:07pm
Updated: Monday, November 2, 2020 - 5:46pm

A large number of Arizona voters have opted to mail in their ballots. But big crowds are still expected on Election Day, and county recorders have enacted strict health protocols to ensure voters’ safety.

Erika Flores is the deputy director of communications at the Maricopa County Elections Department.

“Poll workers will be wearing masks, face shields, gloves," Flores said. "They’ll be providing masks and gloves to voters if the voter forgot their mask at home and poll workers are disinfecting the vote centers throughout the day and disinfecting each pen after each use.”

Flores also said vote centers will continue to be sanitized, and social distancing measures will be in place.

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