UA Professor Leads First Statewide Study On Risk Factors, Long-Term Effects Of COVID-19

By Lauren Gilger, Steve Goldstein
Published: Tuesday, December 1, 2020 - 12:47pm
Updated: Tuesday, December 1, 2020 - 3:04pm
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The state Department of Health Services reported 10,322 new cases of COVID-19 Dec. 1. Arizona has now surpassed 337,000 known cases of the virus since the start of the pandemic. Tuesday reports are often higher than average as weekend reports catch up. But the Dec. 1 report was so much higher that AZDHS released a warning first.

The statement noted additional reporting delays due to the holiday weekend — and reiterated that cases and hospitalizations will likely continue to increase because of Thanksgiving travel and gatherings.

In all, 6,687 people have now died from COVID-19 in our state, including 48 more deaths recorded Dec. 1.

These spiking new numbers come as many states around the country are experiencing a similar surge — and some are implementing new restrictions to try to stop it.

Here in Arizona, Tucson mayor Regina Romero will ask the city council there to implement a mandatory curfew starting Dec. 1.

Last week, Pima County announced a voluntary curfew as cases spike there as well.

A lot of what we hear about the pandemic and its impacts has focused on hospitalizations and deaths. As those numbers stack up, the implications of this virus become fearfully clear.

But what about everyone else who has contracted COVID?

Kristen Pogreba-Brown with the University of Arizona’s College of Public Health is leading a new study that looks at the rest of the people who get COVID-19.

Their goal in this long-term study is to get the answers to some of the most important long-term questions about the virus: Who’s most at risk for getting really sick from it? What are the long term health ramifications of it for them — and for the other roughly 300,000 Arizonans who have tested positive for it? What puts people at even greater risk after they test positive?

The Show spoke with Pogreba-Brown for more about the study, which is the first statewide long-term public health study of COVID-19 here.

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