With Days Left Before Election, Political Violence In Mexico Worse Than 2018

By Murphy Woodhouse
Published: Wednesday, June 2, 2021 - 7:55am

Mexico’s elections are still several days away, but by one measure at least, political violence has already exceeded what was seen three years ago.

So far there have been 782 attacks against politicians and candidates, according to the most recent report from the consultancy Etellekt. That’s more than the 774 the group registered during the entire presidential election cycle in 2018.

Nearly 90 have been killed so far, of whom 35 were candidates for office. That includes Abel Murrietta, who was running for mayor of Cajeme in Sonora until being gunned down in broad daylight in mid-May. Other states have been hit much harder, like Veracruz, where eight people have been killed.

With the June 6 elections fast approaching, Mexico’s President Andrés Manuel López Obrador called for a peaceful day of voting during his Monday press conference.

“No violence!” he said during what he described as a call to all Mexicans heading to the polls this Sunday.

Fronteras Sonora