Urban Farming Could Be Coming To City Parks In Glendale

Published: Tuesday, June 7, 2016 - 7:08am
(Photo by Annika Cline - KJZZ)
The Phoenix Urban Research Farm sits along Central Avenue in Phoenix.

In an effort to "green up" undeveloped areas, Glendale City Council members will be asked to consider leasing land.

The areas include two unfinished parks — Heroes Regional Park at 83rd Avenue and Bethany Home Road and Northern Horizon Park at 65th and Northern Avenues — and one older park, Orangewood Vista near 79th and Orangewood avenues, which doesn’t offer many amenities. 

According to a city report, the areas are not likely to be developed for at least three to five years. 

On Tuesday afternoon, the parks department will ask council members to consider allowing urban farming in those parks. 

If approved, Glendale would request proposals from the agricultural industry with the understanding that respondents would be responsible for all costs involved in crop planting, management and harvesting. 
