Humorist Laurie Notaro On Twinkies, Family And A Tumor Named Emily

By Steve Goldstein
Published: Wednesday, July 13, 2016 - 5:00pm
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(Photo by Tracy Greer-KJZZ)
Author and humorist Laurie Notaro with Steve Goldstein in the studio back in May 2013.

Humorist Laurie Notaro has had 11 books published—most of them featuring funny, wild, out there stories about her, her family and people she’s met. Her latest is called Housebroken: Admissions of an Untidy Life.

KJZZ's Steve Goldstein talked with Notaro about:

Twinkies vs. Little Debbie snacks

"I would like to think that Twinkies have a hint of love in them. True, it's corporate love and it's chemical love. But I think that fluffiness, where Little Debbies are very kind of dense, crumbly and waxy and that does not say love to me at all. That says bakery abuse."

Phoenix's influence on her humor

"I think the growing up and playing outside in the 118 degrees certainly baked my little walnut brain in some pretty weird ways."

Transforming tragedy to comedy

"For example, I had this tumor on my neck and that is just so disgusting to begin with. Who wants that, right? I thought 'I'm never going to tell anybody about this, ever.'  But as it went on and all these things started happening that were tragic, borderline comedic. I thought alright...if I can get a laugh out of it, I'll totally use it. Even if it makes me feel like a dirty used sock. So now, the whole world knows about my tumor I named Emily."