Glendale Moves Forward To Create Downtown Entertainment District

By Casey Kuhn
Published: Monday, October 10, 2016 - 8:28am
(Photo by Christina Estes - KJZZ)
Glendale has 726 gas lamp poles in the downtown area designed to mimic street lighting features from the 1800s.

Glendale is one step closer to revamping the downtown area to be more accessible to a changing business landscape.

The creation of an entertainment district would allow downtown Glendale alcohol establishments, like bars or liquor stores, closer to a downtown church.

Glendale surveyed residents near the area, and while most business owners wanted the entertainment district, about a third of the residents did not.

Planning director Jon Froke said by establishing this designation downtown, the city hopes to evolve with the local business owners.

“Owners are reinvesting in their property and so if somebody wanted to lease space in a storefront for say a restaurant or brewery of some sort, there’d be a mechanism where we can relax the 300-foot separation from a church,” Froke said.

Glendale council will vote to adopt the new rules in the coming months.
