Drivers Can Still Cross Gilbert Road Despite Being Washed Away

Published: Thursday, March 2, 2017 - 5:32pm

A stretch of Gilbert Road at the Salt River has washed away. And isn’t the first time this has happened.

Nicole Moon, spokeswoman at the Maricopa County Department of Transportation, says MCDOT knew the water was coming.

"SRP notified us that they would be releasing water into Salt River from their Granite Reef Dam and the amount of water they told us exceeded the amount of water our low water crossing could handle," Moon said.

Which is northbound Gilbert Road. So MCDOT closed that and changed the traffic flow on the southbound bridge to accommodate two-way traffic.

This isn’t the first time Gilbert Road has been washed away, and Moon says there are plans to build a bridge in the future. Until then, MCDOT will wait until the water recedes to repair northbound Gilbert Road.