How Can Netflix Break Through During Movie Awards Season?

Published: Monday, April 3, 2017 - 4:03pm
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Netflix is known for a bunch of things: the wildly popular TV show "House of Cards," and giving us re-boots of "Full House" and "One Day at a Time," among others.

It’s also an option for subscribers who’d prefer to watch movies on their couches than in theaters. But Netflix has also produced original movies, although not award-winning ones.

That’s become a talking point especially after "Manchester by the Sea," produced by Amazon, took home a handful of awards, including the Oscars for best screenplay and best actor.

So, how can Netflix break through during awards season?

To find out, I’m joined by Tom Nunan; he’s a movie producer, a media consultant and a former network and studio president. Right now, he’s also a visiting professor at UCLA.

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