What's Next For Funding Arizona's Road System?

Published: Friday, April 7, 2017 - 3:21pm
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Arizona’s roads need some love — billions of dollars-worth of love. But the state hasn’t upped its gas tax in more than 25 years — that’s one source of funding for roads.

And, lawmakers have raided another pot of money several times over the past few years to pay for other things.

This year, there were a handful of bills in the legislature dealing with transportation funding. The proposals ranged from a straight-up gas tax increase to hiking vehicle registration fees to allowing counties to impose their own gas tax.

And while a few of those ideas advanced out of committee, none has been taken up for debate or a vote in their full chamber.

So, what’s next for funding our road system? 

Kevin Adam is legislative liaison for the Rural Transportation Advocacy Council, and Alan Maguire is a Valley economist. Maguire served on the Surface Transportation Funding Task Force, which looked into these issues.

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