Center For Biological Diversity, Grijalva Sue Over Border Wall

Published: Wednesday, April 12, 2017 - 5:39pm

The Center for Biological Diversity and Congressman Raul Grijalva are suing the Trump administration. They have major concerns about the how a border wall could impact the environment.

The Center for Biological Diversity wants to see an analysis of how a new wall and other border security policies could impact the environment. Randy Serraglio is with the center. He says an assessment like this is required by law and the Trump administration shouldn’t be able to avoid it.

“Just because people live in the border region does not mean that they should not be protected and not have clean air, clean water and functioning landscapes and ecosystems around them,” Serraglio said.

Serraglio says the wall would impact hundreds of species, many of which are protected under the Endangered Species Act. He says those animals need to cross the border because it’s essential for their survival.

The Trump administration insists a new wall is needed to keep out illegal immigrants. But Serraglio says existing barriers have already caused massive flooding and erosion. and the impacts don’t stop at the wall. Trump’s program includes off-road vehicle patrols, high intensity lighting and other activities that could affect border communities.