Candidates File For Arizona Special Election To Replace Trent Franks

By Bret Jaspers
Published: Thursday, January 11, 2018 - 7:24am
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(Photo by Steve Shadley - KJZZ)
Bob Stump, former member of Arizona's Corporation Commission, is running to replace Trent Franks.

The candidates running to replace Congressman Trent Franks are set, barring any challenges to signatures submitted to the Arizona Secretary of State's office.

Thirteen Republicans and three Democrats filed signatures with the state to enter the race to replace Franks.

The Republican side includes former state Sens. Steve Montenegro and Debbie Lesko, former Trump Administration official Phil Lovas and former Corporation Commissioner Bob Stump.

The Democrats include Hiral Tipirneni, an emergency room doctor, and Brianna Westbrook, a transgender woman who works at a car dealership.

Any challenges to the signatures are due next week.

The 8th Congressional District is in the northwest part of Maricopa County. Early voting for the primary begins on Jan. 31.

Franks resigned in December in the midst of a sexual harassment investigation.

AZ08 Candidates Set