Mexico Simplifies Its Dialing Codes

By Rodrigo Cervantes
Published: Thursday, August 1, 2019 - 4:12pm
Updated: Friday, August 2, 2019 - 9:32am

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Mexican Institute of Telecommunications
The Mexican Institute of Telecommunications has launched a campaign to inform people about the dialing changes in Mexico.

MEXICO CITY — If you’ve been one of those telephone users confused with the dialing codes in Mexico, you’re not alone. But the neighboring county will change that on Saturday, as Mexico is finally simplifying its dialing codes.  

For years, for calling a Mexican cellphone from the U.S. or anywhere in the world, you need to dial “1” between the country and city codes, unlike a landline.

Calling local cellphones in Mexico have required the prefix 044 or 045. A city-to-city call requires the prefix 01. And phone numbers in Guadalajara, Mexico City and Monterrey have 8 digits, while the rest of the country just 7.

Well, all of that is finally over on Saturday, Aug. 3, explained Juan Carlos Hernández, head of the international bureau of the Mexican Federal Institute of Telecommunications.

“The dialing system will be simplified and standardized in the whole country,” Hernández said.

In other words, every single phone number in Mexico will have 10 digits, like the U.S., and no number will need special prefixes. 

“That means that from the U.S. you will dial the exit code (for calling long distance), which is 011, then the country code 52 for Mexico, and the number,” Hernández said.

And if you happen to call Mexico using apps that require phone numbers like Whatsapp or Skype, Hernández recommends simply updating your contact list.
