Arizona Highways Tells Story Behind North Rim's Ken Patrick Trail

By Mark Brodie
Published: Friday, January 3, 2020 - 12:41pm
Updated: Friday, January 3, 2020 - 12:45pm

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Arizona Highways Magazine
There is a trail named after Ken Patrick at the Grand Canyon. Here is his headstone at the park.

Ken Patrick was almost predestined to have a deep connection to the Grand Canyon. He moved there with his parents as a young child; his dad worked helping to build trails, and his mom later was an operator for the phone line that connected the North and South Rims.

As a teen, he returned to the Grand Canyon, after leaving home in the Midwest. He later worked for the National Park Service, but it was at a park in California where Ken Patrick was murdered.

Robert Stieve, editor-in-chief of Arizona Highways Magazine, wrote about Patrick in the January edition of the magazine, which is dedicated to the Grand Canyon.

Patrick is buried at the Grand Canyon, and there’s a trail named after him at the North Rim. It’s a trail Stieve has hiked before, and, while he recognized the name, he didn’t know that much about Patrick’s story.

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