Coronavirus Presents Challenges To Arizona Firefighters

By Ron Dungan
Published: Thursday, June 18, 2020 - 7:18pm
Updated: Thursday, June 18, 2020 - 7:20pm

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Bush Fire
Ron Dungan/KJZZ
The Bush Fire became one of the largest wildfires in Arizona history in a matter of days.

The Bush Fire became one of the largest wildfires in Arizona history in a matter of days. As hotshot crews have battled hot, windy weather, coronavirus has added a new challenge. 

Arizona fire camps are like small cities that spring up overnight in the desert. Crews typically mingle and enjoy meals together. Now they socially distance and send someone to pick up their food. 

“The firefighting community is tremendously adaptive and innovative, and we’re doing a good job dealing with it.” said Fire command spokesman Dee Hines.

Because firefighters travel from state to state, Hines said that one sick crew could make others sick and start a ripple effect that would last the entire summer's fire season.

Fire crews don’t mingle and frequently wear masks when back at their base. The command post is bare bones and crews are also using technology to help with social distancing. 

Ron Dungan/KJZZ
Two people carry boxes at a fire command post on June 18, 2020.