Q&AZ: If I change my name, how can I update my vaccine records?

By Vaughan Jones
Published: Saturday, January 29, 2022 - 5:14pm
Updated: Friday, February 4, 2022 - 1:58pm

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Vaccination card
Sky Schaudt/KJZZ
A vaccination card for the COVID-19 vaccine.

Proof of vaccination has become increasingly more important around the world, but some people’s vaccination records may not match the name on their IDs.

Through our Q&AZ Project, a listener asked: Is there a way to update your name on your vaccine records if you get it changed?

One way to correct the name on your vaccine records is through the Arizona Department of Health Services.

Jessica Rigler is with the department’s Public Health Preparedness division. She says ADHS can help, but that’s not the only way you can make the change.

“One would be to go to their health care provider, who can make that edit within the vaccination registry. Another is the call ADHS, and we can actually assist them in making that name change with the appropriate documentation,” said Rigler.

If you want to change the name on your COVID-19 vaccine card specifically, Rigler suggests contacting the place you received your shots, if you went to a clinic or doctor’s office.

Rigler says if you choose to call ADHS, being prepared with legal documentation with proof of the name change, like a marriage license, will help expedite the process.

CoronavirusQ&AZ Health + Medicine Vaccines