Hobbs vetoes bill that would ban the use of photo radar on roads

By Greg Hahne
Howard Fischer/Capitol Media Services
Published: Monday, May 29, 2023 - 6:20pm
Updated: Monday, May 29, 2023 - 6:21pm

 photo enforcement camera
Sky Schaudt/KJZZ
A photo enforcement camera in north Phoenix.

Arizona motorists will have to keep an eye out for photo radar and red light cameras for the foreseeable future.

Gov. Katie Hobbs vetoed a bill on Friday that would have banned their use.

In her veto letter, the Democratic governor said she heard from law enforcement officials who said the bill would impact the safety of Arizonans.

She cited research that pointed out photo radar cameras are effective in changing driver behavior and decreasing fatal accidents, especially in school zones.

The measure had been introduced by Republican Sen.  Wendy Rogers, saying their use is an invasion of privacy.

In 2016, former Gov. Doug Ducey, a Republican, signed legislation that removed their use from state roads.
