Arizona selling shipping containers used for makeshift border wall

By Greg Hahne
Howard Fischer/Capitol Media Services
Published: Friday, June 30, 2023 - 2:44pm
Updated: Sunday, July 2, 2023 - 11:20pm

shipping containers
Alisa Reznick/KJZZ
In his last days in office, former Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey agreed to remove a stockpile of shipping containers he had used to build sections of wall on various parts of Arizona’s southern border.

Arizona has been left with thousands of shipping containers after a court ordered the state to remove a makeshift wall on the southern border. Now the state is selling them in hopes to recoup some money.

Government agencies and nonprofits will have first dibs, expected by October. 

After that, members of the public will be able to buy the containers. Prices range from $500 to $2,000 depending on the size and quality.

If all sell, the state would make less than $4 million. It cost nearly $200 million to put them up and then take them down.

The state Department of Administration is marketing the containers, saying they can be repurposed for housing, offices or classrooms.

A spokesperson for the department says virtually all of the approximately 100 sold are being used for storage.
