Ketamine can help depression, chronic pain and more, UA doctor says

By Lauren Gilger
Published: Monday, August 7, 2023 - 11:11am

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Bottle of ketamine capsules.
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Many psychedelic drugs are becoming more mainstream as states like Arizona legalize research into things like psilocybin, or magic mushrooms. But, ketamine treatment has been legal for some time.

If you Google ketamine clinics in Arizona, and you’ll find a slew of places where you can go get this treatment. 

However, a lot of people still think of ketamine as a street drug — a tranquilizer or hallucinogenic that can be abused.

Dr. Mohab Ibrahim is director of the Chronic Pain Management Clinic at the University of Arizona in Tucson, and he joined The Show to explain what ketamine does and how people can use it to help them.

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